Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt like you aren't good enough, even after all your achievements? This type of feeling is referred to as imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome is belief that you are useless, unskilled, less efficient at work, incapable to achieve something or inferior to others, even after all your success and achievements. It is very common to suffer from imposter syndrome.

Impacts of imposter syndrome:
Feeling like an imposter makes you suffer mentally and reduces you work efficiency.
Few situations where you can personally experience imposter syndrome are:
• Hesitating to present your ideas, as you feel they are not good enough.
• Not applying for internships or jobs (even though your are skilled enough)
• Taking on extra work to look more capable in front of your peers.
• Questioning your knowledge or expertise in some or the other field.

Managing imposter syndrome:
We need to meet new people with confidence. Here are few tips to manage impostor syndrome:
Acknowledge your thoughts: Try to understand how are you feeling and why are you feeling that way. This can help you find a solution.
Own your accomplishments: Think of all the achievements and skills you have and which makes you unique. Take a note of all the things you can do.
Take a step back and ask to yourself: “Is this an opportunity I want to act on?" This helps identify what you actually need.
Share your knowledge: It makes you feel more valuable. Giving advice to your peers or less experienced person. If you feel like you have nothing to share, refer to your list.
Fake it, if you can't make it: If you feel less confident, try to fake it. Acting confident for long time can make this as your habit.
Meditation, exercise and therapy: This can help you get rid of bad thoughts and to start afresh.

Imposter syndrome is common thing in our life. What matters is - How you deal with that. There’s no shame in self-doubt – many people have it – and that crowd includes many famous people

“I still have a little impostor syndrome… It doesn’t go away, that feeling that you shouldn’t take me that seriously. What do I know? I share that with you because we all have doubts in our abilities, about our power and what that power is.“
~Michelle Obama

"Yes, you’re an impostor. So am I and so is everyone else. Superman still lives on Krypton and the rest of us are just doing our best.”
~Seth Godin

So, the next time yourself struggling with Imposter Syndrome in some area of your life, remember that you’re skilled enough – and you can overcome this.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you found this blog helpful.✨